laughing man


New Earth Village TIPS:










Knowledge Pots

Your information storehouse



What is a knowledge pot?

A knowledge pot is a place to share information. Some put information in it; others make use of that information. Think of it as an information storehouse or bank where people make deposits and withdrawals.


You might put in information about your learning centre. I might be looking for help to create one in my community.


Knowledge pots have four purposes:

  1. To eliminate 'reinventing the wheel'. Many indigenous communities operate in isolation of each other and each other's ideas. By sharing information, precious time, effort and money can be saved.

  2. To generate better ideas. Sharing experiences and knowledge can lead to newand better ways of doing things and help those contemplating an initiative avoid costly pitfalls.

  3. To encourage partnerships. Knowledge pots allow for those seeking information to contact those offering information. New connections form that can lead to partnerships that advance development efforts.

  4. To generate hope and inspiration. Imagine that you are planning an elder care program in your community. You're feeling a bit lost and wondering how on earth you're going to make it happen. Through New Earth Village, you discover a highly successful elder care program in New Mexico.

    You contact the person involved and receive all kinds of helpful advice and information. How are you feeling now? Inspired and supported, right? Filled with a 'yes I can' determination.

How does a knowledge pot work?

Complete instructions for using a knowledge pot are in each pot.













indfeather to air
feather to water
feather to fire
First Peoples, Life-Centred